According to the principle of Ayurveda, Only those persons with Pitta constitutions should drink water three hours before sunrise. A thin person with Pitta constitution should drink water kept overnight in a golden vessel. The quantity to be drunk is 8 anjalis. One Anjali is the amount contained in the concavity by joining both the hands with finger curved in.
Drinking cold water is useful for person suffering from
- Malabsorption, Constipation, Piles, Abdominal disorder, Abdomen distensions
- Urinary disorders
- Blood disorders
- Pittaj disease and disorders of ENT, Head, Eyes, Pelvic and Skin
Also drinking 3 anjalis of water through the nose in the morning improves eye-sights and intellegentes and prevent wrinkling of skin as freckles and baldness, cough, sinusitis, bad voice and oedema of Pittaj type improves. It acts as a good general tonic. Ageing is delayed.
Contraindications of drinking water in morning
- After taking Fatty food like oil and ghee
- After cleaning a wound
- Distension of abdomen
- Heaviness of stomach
- Hiccough
- Disease of Vataja and Kaphaj
- After blood letting
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