Watermelon is the common fruit all time favorite fruits. It has got many health benefits and multi vitamins. Among them the recent studies shows it has good property for natural Viagra. Researcher says it may be natural viagra It is because the popular summer fruit watermelon is richer than experts believed in an amino acid called citrulline, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels much like Viagra and other drugs meant to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).”This is a precursor for nitric oxide, and the nitric oxide will help in blood vessel dilation.”
“The more we study watermelons, the more we realize just how amazing a fruit it is in providing natural enhancers to the human body .Watermelons have naturally occurring nutrients that can produce healthy reactions in the body. One of those nutrients is citrulline “The citrulline-arginine relationship helps heart health, the immune system and may prove to be very helpful for those who suffer from obesity and type two diabetes, the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it.”
At least six cups would need to be consumed to get even a noticeable relaxation of blood vessels, this would not be “organ specific,” so who knows how much one would need to eat to get that specific result. But the health benefits of watermelon consumption don’t end with the circulatory system. watermelon is 92 percent water, but the other 8 percent is saturated with lycopene, an anti-oxidant known to protect heart, prostate and skin health. In addition, there is scientific evidence suggesting lycopene can help with male infertility. Watermelon is high in lycopene, a heart-healthy antioxidant, as well as potassium, a natural diuretic.
There are many other sources of citrulline — almonds, cantaloupe, chickpeas, cocoa, cucumber, dark chocolate, peanuts, red meat, salmon, soy, and walnuts — but none come close to delivering the amount in watermelon’s pretty pink flesh and crunchy rind.
Watermelon is easier on your stomach than l-arginine supplements, experts say, because taking the pills can cause nausea and diarrhea. Citrulline has another advantage: It turns into l-arginine in your artery walls, so you get the benefits right where you need them. Some of the l-arginine in supplements may be lost in digestion.
WRONG, watermelon does not work like viagara according to ayurveda contrarory it is mentioned as SHUKAR HRIT (HARMFULLTO SEMEN) as per shalok no.41 of Bhavparkash nighantu.
Thanks dr Shivaraj for your comment with the reference. Modern medicine researched on watermelon and found the facts. There need of more research..
Really appreciate your comments
i am 27 years married young boy .
i have some sex problem. that means it falls fast while engaging in a sexual intercourse. please help me some suggestions… i believe in this method of treatment, and i am a full vegeterian also…
Citruline is in rind (Skin) of Watermelon. One should drink green juice of watermelon rind with added lemon.