Vamsa lochana is collected from inside hollow internodes of bamboo. Whole parts of bamboo are used for medicinal uses. It is silica like secretion from internodes of bamboo plant. Vamsalochana means bamboo eyes which is eye-like crack in the bamboo plant. Vamsalochana plants are deep rooted and tall so it is difficult to harvest but it is very common.
Common name Bamboo manna, the inner pith of bamboo (Englisg), Vamsalocana (Hindi) Sanskrit name Vamsalocana, Tavaksırı- Latin Bambusa arundinaceae (Graminaceae family)
- Rasa (taste) Sweet, astringent
- Vırya (energy) Cooling
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect) Sweet
- Guna (quality) Dry, light
- Dosa effect VPK−, K+ in excess
- Dhatu (tissue) Plasma, blood, nerve
- Srotas (channel) Respiratory, nervous
Essential oil – sabinene, camphene, limonene, myrcene, piperonal Alkaloid – piperine, piperidine, piperanine Fixed oil Chromium1
Expectorant, diuretic, febrifuge, lung tonic, cardio tonic, alkiliser
Lungs Vamsalochana is the best cough expectorant for infected cough with green sputum, blood streaked in respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia. It is believed to enter rasa dhatu and helps to clear fever and ama condition in the body plasma. It is nourishing and tonic to repair lungs tissues.
Heart Vamsalochana is cardiotonic in nature. It is rejuvenator for avalambaka kapha so it is cardio protective. it helps in good blood flow used in chest pain, heart burn, heaviness etc.
Bleeding Vamsalochana is haemostatic in nature. It effect rakta dhatu to prevent from heavy blooding by balancing high pitta anywhere in the body.
Urine Vamsalochana is a good diuretic as it helps to balance urine flow and act as alkaliser. It prevents dysuria codition.
* Vasa, anthrapachaka for pitta kapha coughs.
* Pippali, cinnamon for high fevers.
* Arjuna, punarnava for heart disorders.
* Amalaki or manjshtha to stop bleeding due to high pitta.
* Gokshura, coriander for pitta balance like urinary symptoms.
1–9g per day (dried).
Milky bark; leaves, young shoots, seeds, roots, inner stalks or stems of female plant