Ayurveda Medicine

Sitopaladi Churna : The Sweet Cough


Each 100g contains:

Pippali Piper longum 13g
Twak Cinnamomum zeylanicum 5g
Vamsa lochana Bambusa arundinacea 25g
Elae Elettaria cardamomum 7g
Sitopala, Rock candy Saccharum officinalis 50g


  • Rasa (taste): Sweet, pungent
  • Vı-rya (energy): Heating
  • Vipa – ka (post-digestive effect): Sweet
  • Gun.a (quality): Light, unctuous
  • Dos.a effect: VPK=, P+ in excess
  • Dha-tu (tissue): Plasma, rakta
  • Srotas (channel): Respiratory, digestive

Method of preparation

All the herbs are made into fine powder and mixed together to make a homogeneous mixture


  • Ka-sas´va – sahara Alleviates cough and asthma (pitta-type)
  • Pratisa-rahara Clears colds and allergies
  • Dı-pana Enkindles the digestive fire
  • Jvaraghna Alleviates fevers
  • Da-haghna Reduces burning sensations


  • Expectorant, antiasthmatic, antiallergenic,
  • febrifuge, diaphoretic, bronchodilator


Lungs Sitopaladi is the classic formula for coughs and colds arising from an excess of vata, pitta and kapha. It is  useful when there is shortness of breath, asthma with wheezing from contact with cold weather, bronchitis and chest congestion due to high kapha. When prana vayu is obstructed due to aggravated s´lesaka and avalambaka kapha then this formula clears the congestion and frees the flow of air. It is a specific for coughs with copious white or yellow-tinged sputum, sore throat, high fever and a muzzy head.

Nose Use sitopaladi curna for sinus congestion,

a dull headache that feels as though there is a tight band around the head, and a runny nose.

Allergies For seasonal and allergic rhinitis from allergies to dust, mould and airborne pathogens, combine with other herbs to reduce mast cell proliferation.


  • Trikatu for severe mucus.
  • Mahasuda´sana when there is fever and inflammation from high pitta.
  • Pitshirisha, anthrapachaka and haritaki for
  • allergic reactions that affect the respiratory system.


  • Use with 1⁄4 teaspoon of honey to enhance its transport to the lungs.
  • The vamsa lochana helps to alleviate pitta fevers, infected phlegm and haemoptysis. It is a very effective  expectorant.
  • Cardamom, long pepper and cinnamon help to reduce kapha and vata.
  • Long pepper helps to rejuvenate the underlying weakness in the repiratory system (pranavahasrotas).
  • Sitopala literally means ‘rock candy’ and refers to the cooling, demulcent pitta– and vata-relieving  properties of the preparation.
  • With high pitta signs include more pitta reducing herbs.


None known.


1–5g three times per day.

About the author

Dr. Ram Mani Bhandari

Experienced holistic doctor, healer, teacher, and writer
Specialized in Ayurvedic detox (Panchakarma)
Trained in India and Nepal, the original lands of Ayurveda
Graduate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) from the Institute of Medicine at Tribhuwan University in Kathmandu.
Professional member of Australasian Association of Ayurveda (AAA)
Owner of Sunshine Ayurveda

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