Ayurvedic studies on the basis of principles of astrology provide the confirmed knowledge that ovum discharged from left ovary attracts sperm having X-chromosomes giving rise to conception of a female child; likewise ovum discharged from right ovary shows attraction for sperm with Y-chromosomes and as a result the fertilization of male child takes place. Sex determination is done according to according to ayurveda concept before the USG devlop.
According to modern embryology, during first 10-12 days of the menstruation period the ovum may get discharged from either left or right side of the ovary. But Vedic science tells us that ovum discharge from either side of the ovary is ascertained by the positions of planets and stars during the menstruation period in the female horoscopes. Both the Charaka and Sushruta Samhitas mention sex-determination through physical examination of a pregnant woman. The method, called Garbha Ling Nirnaya, whereby the woman’s physique, temperament and shape of her abdomen is noted to determine the sex
Determine the sex of your baby
Ayurveda also suggests certain days to conceive for sex determination. Sex during ovulation has greater chances of male sex. When you are expecting then nothing perhaps can be more exciting than predicting the sex of your unborn child. Friends, family members, acquaintances and even strangers – all want to be a part of this guessing game. These methods for baby gender prediction may not at all be foolproof. But they are surely more fun than their modern reliable counterparts like ultrasound.
There are some symptoms in pregnant women so these are tools for predicting your unborn baby
Determination of Male Baby
- Do not face morning sickness in the initial phase of pregnancy
- Unborn baby’s heartbeat count is less than 140 beats each minute.
- You are carrying additional weight out front
- Experiencing headaches.
- Belly appears like a basketball.
- Areolas have darkened very much.
- Want to consume salty or sour foods.
- Craving protein like meats and cheese.
- Feet remain colder in comparison to the time prior pregnancy.
- The hair of your legs has grown quicker during pregnancy
- Hands are quite dry.
- Pillow faces north while you are asleep.
- The dad-to-be (your husband) is putting on weight along with you
- Pregnancy has made you look better than before
- Urine is bright yellow in hue.
- Nose is spreading.
- Wedding ring moves in circles when hung over your belly.
Age at the time of conception + number of the month you conceive = Even number
Sex Determination Formula
- Add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number
Determination of Female Baby :
- Experience morning sickness in early stages of pregnancy.
- The heartbeat rate of your baby is at least 140 beats each minute.
- Carrying the weight in your hips and rear.
- Left breast is bigger in comparison to your right breast.
- Hair gets natural red highlights.
- Belly looks like a watermelon.
- Want to have sweets & crave fruit.
- Want to have orange juice.
- Do not appear quite as nice during pregnancy as during normal times.
- Moodier than usual during the phase you are expecting.
- Face breaks out more than usual.
- Decline eating.
- Breasts have really blossomed!
- Pillow faces south when you are asleep.
- Urine is a dull yellow in hue.
- Wedding ring moves from side to side when hung over your belly.
Age at the time of conception + number of the month you conceive = Odd number
Sex Determination Formula
- Add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number
It is really a very good and valuable information which can helping peoples to guess a sex determination of baby with good study. Thaks to publish it . It really a surprising that Ayurveda have this information we usually observed that old women have had a keen observation of pregnant woment and guess about baby’s sex. And most of the time it was right . May be they have Ayurveda ‘s study. Good work!