Pancha Karma is the Ayurvedic cleansing method. The word Panchakarma is made up from 2 words, “Pancha” which means combination of five and “Karma” which here means the treatment process. So Panchakarma as a whole means the combination of five treatment process to cure the disease. Panchakarma is also done once a year for prevention of disease and for spiritual and emotional growth too.
Five Processes of Panchakarma:
Different views are there:
A. Acc. To A. Charak:
1. Vaman (emesis or vomiting)
2. Virechan (Laxative)
3. Shiro-Virechan (Nasal cleansing)
4. Anuwasan vasti
5. Niruha vasti
B. Acc. To Shrushrut and Vagbhat:
1. Vaman (emesis or vomiting)
2. Virechan (Laxative)
3. Vasti (enemas)
4. Nasya (Nasal cleansing)
5. Raktamokshyan (Blood-letting)
Procedure of Panchakarma:
Panchakarma is completed in different three phases. They are:
a. Poorva Karma (the preparation phase)
b. Pradhan Karma (the main phase or the cleansing phase)
c. Paschat Karma (the rejuvenation phase)
a. Poorva Karma (the preparation phase):
It is the preparation phase. This phase includes processes; viz. Pachan, Snehan and Swedan.
i. Pachan (digestion) – It means digestion. In this process all the foods are made well digested and the waste products from the body are released. The food, especially the vegetables create a more alkaline environment to neutralize acid in the body which supports the cleansing and detox process.
ii. Snehan (oilation) – It is referred as oilation. This process affects the dosha from its place. This process is useful for Vata related problem.
iii. Swedan (Sweating) – The process by which the sweat comes from the body is called Swedan. This can be done by giving heat to the body or by the exercise. This process is useful to make body light and feel relaxed.
b. Pradhan karma (The cleansing phase) – This phase includes the process Vaman (emesis or vomiting), Virechan (Laxative), Vasti (enemas), Nasya (Nasal cleansing) and Raktamokshyan (Blood-letting).
1. Vaman (emesis or vomiting) – It is the process to remove out the vitiated dosha from the mouth. This process is best in the Kapha originated disease.
2. Virechan (Laxative) – It mainly refers to the removal of harmful products of the body as in the form of stool. It is best used in vitiate Pitta to calm down it.
3. Vasti (enemas) – It is the process of introducing the medicated fluids to the larger intestine through anus. Enema set is used in this process in the modern days. It is useful in calming the vitiated dosha of every channel.
4. Nasya (Nasal Cleansing) – Nose is referred as the opening of head region. In this process medicine are used from the nostrils. This is helpful especially on Ear, Nose and Throat region. The dispersed vitiated dosha from this area are accumulated and disposed out.
5. Raktamokshyan (Blood-letting) – This is the method of letting out the blood to flow out of body. Instrument may or may not be used. Raktamokshyan is used to pacify the disease related to blood and prevent other disease and to purify the dhatus.
c. Paschat Karma (Rejuvenation Phase) – In this process the body is calm down. The simple diet is given. The general diet is given gradually but slowly. Most people find great change in this phase. During this phase and later too physical, emotional and spiritual changes may be experienced.