We wake up in the morning and we want to hit that snooze button about five times. We are starving for stimulation. We take a shower, get some coffee, and still…..not feeling that stimulation we want to feel.People go through 4 to 5 cups of coffee in one morning, hoping to be awake and alert for the day. So, what can we do?
* Jump out of that coffee rut
* Experiment with just one change in your morning
* Do a couple of yoga poses or sun salutations
* Walk around the block or house.
* Drink a favorite tea instead of coffee
* Before leaving for work, go outside and just breathe in the sweet air and appreciate the day
* Make an effort to not eat the same breakfast and eat fruit only. How do you feel?
A change in your life does not have to be a huge earth shattering change…it can be a small change in something that you normally do, and that in turn will become the changes that you are seeking.
You become the change you want to see in your own world by turning your life routine upside down.
If you drive a certain way to work in the morning, then take the train if you are able to, or drive a different route that day. If you do take the train, then sit in a different seat than usual, say ‘good morning’ to the people around you, and when you get off the train, walk a different route to work also.
What change can you make to stimulate and re-charge your life?