Mustaka is very common perennial herb with long aromatic tuber. It is found near to river side especially damp condition. It is found worldwide in all environmental condition. Mustak is important Ayurvedic medicinal herbs with excellent properties for gynaecology, digestion etc.
Common name Nut grass (English), Motha (Hindi) Sanskrit Mustaka, Musta Latin Cyperus rotundus–Rhizoma (Cyperaceae family)
- Rasa (taste) Pungent, bitter,astringent
- Vırya (energy) Cooling
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect) Pungent
- Guna (quality) Light, dry
- Dosa effect PK−, V+
- Dhatu (tissue) Plasma, blood,muscle, nerve
- Srotas (channel) Digestive, circulatory, female reproductive
- Essential oils Amphene, limonene, cyperol, rotundone, cyperene, patchoulenone
- Triterpenes β-sitosterol, oleanolic acid
- Flavonoids
Carminative, alterative, astringent, antispasmodic, menstruation and digestion regulator, anthelmintic, analgesic, aromatic, diaphoretic
Digestion Mustaka is best digestive herb which is helpful for digestion, diarrhoea, colic, flatulence, bloating etc. It has antispasmodic effects for intestinal pain by balancing Vata. It also stimulate digestion without aggravating pitta and heat problems.
Gynaecology Mustaka is best gynaecological herbs for regulating menstrual cycle as it balance pitta and flow of vata. It helps in balancing the oestrogen level in body. It is also useful in post menopausal syndrome for correcting bloating, pain irritability, depression, and delayed onset. It is nourishing rasa dhatu for purifying and nourishing breast milk.
Liver Mustaka is digestive stimulant for pitta and especially ranjaka pitta. Stimulating liver may helps release bile, metabolism of hormones, haemoglobin and fats. cooling effects of rakta dhatu can helps skin inflammation and ailments.
Fever Mustaka is helpful for balancing the agni all fever; low agni, ama and excess pitta in the rasa dhatu. It has diaphoretic effect helpful for clearing ama and excess heat from the plasma and blood while also rectifying the digestive fire
* Sariva, coriander, cardamom in pitta digestive problems.
* Bilva, kutaja, pomegranate rind for diarrhoea.
* Hingu, turmeric, cinnamon, kutki for yeast and parasite infections.
* Shatavari, ginger, rose in gynaecological problems with pain, intermittent bleeding and an irregular cycle.
* Guduchi, neem, daruharidra for liver congestion.
* Tulsi and kalmegh for fevers from high pitta.
0.5–12g per day or 3–15ml