Manjistha is the important herbs which is perennial climber, like a vine. It is very useful for arterial, circulatory and skin system. Common name of Manjistha is Indian madder (English), Manjith (Hindi) Sanskrit Manjistha Latin name: Rubia cordifolia–Radix (Rubiaceae family)
- Rasa (taste) Bitter, sweet, astringent
- Vırya (energy) Cooling
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect) Pungent
- Guna (quality) Heavy, dry
- Dosa effect PK−, V+
- Dhatu (tissue) Plasma, blood, muscles, bone
- Srotas (channel) Circulatory, female reproductive, excretory, bone
Chemical Constituents
Glucosides Manjishtha, purpuroxanthin, purpurin
Anthroquinone glycosides Lucidin, alizarin, rubiadin
Alterative, haemostatic, astringent, diuretic, lithotriptic, emmenagogue, antipyretic, antitumour
Skin: Its best blood purifier and it has affinity for raktadhatu to clean, cool and clear blood related toxins and maintain heat. It is good cure for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, vitiligo, acne and herpes as it prevents itching.
Bleeding : Manjistha stops bleeding. It is very good in raktatisara and diarrhoea with bleeding, Crohn’s disease, dysentery, bleeding ulcers. It can also treat haemoptysis, epistaxis, menorrhagia,metrorrhagia and haematuria in the appropriate pattern.
Gynaecology: Manjistha is best uterine tonic. It is very useful for dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, endometriosis, miscarriage and excessive uterine bleeding.
Tumours/accumulations Manjishtha shows good results agains tumours and accumulation of kapha in bladder, liver and kidnesys.
Urine It helps to clear pittaj prameha.
* Neem, turmeric, gotu kola, aloe vera in skin conditions with high pitta.
* Lotus node, amalaki in bleeding with raktapitta.
* Safflower, shatavari, guggulu in congestion of the uterus with pain.
* Guggulu, turmeric for tumours and accumulations all over the body.
* Arjuna, licorice, myrrh, turmeric in fractures.
No drug–herb interactions are known.
0.5–10g per day dried or 3–12ml per day of a 1:3 @ 25% tincture.