Sex and Ayurveda

Male infertility and trace elements

male infertility problem

Male infertility

Infertility has become complex problem of this time with multiple causes and consequences of gender, sexual history, lifestyle and cultural background of people. 8-12 % of the world are affected with this problem. Both the sex are equally cause of infertility. nearly about half of cases male are the primary cause of infertility. Many factors contribute on this among them presence of trace elements like calcium, magnesium, zinc, stenium play very important parameters of semen. The presence of these trace elements can cause infertility in male. Ayurveda has successful treatment for the condition oligospermia, oligoasthenospermia, teratospermia etc are being treated. So we should consider the herbo mineral preparation concept which can affect the infertility. we should analyse the affect of trace elements to studies semen with scientific approach to correct the problem.

Zinc : Zinc has been found to have the critical spermatogenesis. Deficiency of zinc is associated with hypogonadism and insufficient development of secondary sex characters in human. Hence failure of spermatogenesis occur.

Magnesium : High concentration of magnesium in itself including zinc can cause the effect in sperm motility. It has been reported in the seminal analysis the motility of sperm is decreasing due to high magnesium content.

Calcium : Calcium is very important for sperm physiology including the motility action of sperm. the role of seminal calcium in sperm is sperm motility actions. Reports says low ionized calcium content may cause decreased sperm motility.

Selenium : Selenium content is also necessary for reproduction in semen. But the reports says selenium level was very high in fertile men than in infertile one.  This shows the importance of selenium for male reproduction and relationship of selenium and male infertility. It plays important role in male spermatogenesis.

About the author

Dr. Ram Mani Bhandari

Experienced holistic doctor, healer, teacher, and writer
Specialized in Ayurvedic detox (Panchakarma)
Trained in India and Nepal, the original lands of Ayurveda
Graduate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) from the Institute of Medicine at Tribhuwan University in Kathmandu.
Professional member of Australasian Association of Ayurveda (AAA)
Owner of Sunshine Ayurveda

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