Health Tips

Learn The Reasons Why You Are Losing Hair

Losing Hair
Written by Sardar Danish

Hair loss is a problem that can affect your entire body or simply your scalp, and it can be transient or permanent. It might be the consequence of inheritance, hormonal changes, medical issues, or age. Anyone can lose hair on their head, but males are more likely to do so. Some people prefer to let their hair loss untreated and unhidden. Others may conceal it with other haircuts, hats, or scarves. Some choose one of the various treatments to prevent additional hair loss or to restore growth. FUE hair transplant is one of these treatment methods that is commonly used worldwide. It is especially preferred when it comes to hair transplant in Turkey. However, before pursuing hair loss treatment, you should talk with your doctor about the cause of your hair loss to find the best treatment options. Here are some of the common reasons for hair loss:

Hereditary Hair Loss

Hereditary hair loss, or androgenic alopecia, affects both men and women and is the most frequent cause of hair loss globally. Hereditary hair loss occurs when you inherit genes that cause your hair follicles to shrink and finally cease producing hair. Shrinking can occur as early as your adolescence, although it is more common later in life.

The earliest visible indication of genetic hair loss in women is generally overall thinning or a widening portion of the scalp. A receding hairline or bald patch at the top of the head is generally the first indicator of genetic hair loss in men.

Treatments help stop or slow your hair loss. However, if you want your hair to regrow, a hair transplant might be the best option.


Most people experience some hair loss as they become older because hair growth slows. Hair follicles eventually cease producing hair, causing the hair on our scalp to diminish. Hair begins to lose color as well.

Stress Factors

You may notice a lot more hairs in your brush a while after giving birth or recovering from an illness. This could also occur following a traumatic event in your life, such as the loss of a loved one.

When you get rid of the stress factors, your body will readjust and the excessive shedding will stop. When shedding stops, your hair will return to its normal thickness in a few months.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances are the other factors that might be causing your hair to shed. For instance, polycystic ovary syndrome is a typical case of hormonal imbalance. It causes cysts on a woman’s ovaries, as well as other signs and symptoms such as hair loss. Birth control pills are also practical factors for hormonal imbalances. With the correct treatment, you will regain your thick hair in no time!

About the author

Sardar Danish

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