Herbs Profile

Kumari (Aloe vera)

aloe vera in ayurveda

The Indian name for aloe vera is kumara meaning ‘young maiden’ which reveals is affinity for the female menstrual cycle and its rejuvenative powers for maintaining youthfulness.

Common name: Aloe Vera (E) Sanskrit Kumari Latin Aloe indica/vera/barbandensisHerba/Succinum (Liliaceae)


  • Rasa (taste) Bitter, sweet
  • Virya (energy) Cold
  • Vipaka ( post-digestive effect) Sweet
  • Guna (quality) Heavy, unctuous, slimy
  • Dosa effect VPK= as the gel and juice, dried gum powder (bola) aggravates V
  • Dhatu (tissue) All tissues
  • Srotas (channel) Digestive, excretory, circulatory, female reproductive


  • Saccharides Polysasccharides; acetylated galactomamman known as acemannan or aloeverose, glucose
  • Phytosterols Beta- sitosterol
  • Fatty acids Gamma-linolenic acid
  • Enzymes, amino acids
  • Vitamins B, C, E choline
  • Glycosides Anthraquinones; aloemodin, aloin, barbaloin (in outer leaves)

Ayurvedic Action

  • Vranaropana wound healing activity
  • Bhedaniya Purgative powder
  • Rasayana Rejuvenative for the skin,intestines and female reproductive system
  • Kumarirogaghna Alleviates menstrual diseases
  • Artavajanana promotes menses
  • Raktapitta Alleviates bleeding
  • Dipana Enkindles the digestive fire for pitta
  • Amapachana Encourages the clearing of ama
  • Visahara Destroyes poisons
  • Plihayakrdvrddhihara Reduces inflammations of the spleen and liver
  • Granthi Clears tumours
  • Visphota Removes pustules

Biomedical Action

Emmenagogue, cholagogue, vulnerary, alterative, anti inflammatory, demulcent, laxative, immune enhancing, antiviral, antitumour.


Gynaecology The gel and juice are salutary when there is excess bleeding or clots. As kumara clears the liver it directly affects raktavahasrotas and the flow of pitta in the blood. This affects the artavasrotas, the menstrual channel, as it is responsible for regulating the uterus. It is a wonderful tonic for the female reproductive system. Its cooling and unctuous properties make it very effective for treating the hot and dry symptoms of menopause (Bhavaprakash).

Skin The gel contains polysaccharides that are specifically healing for the skin and mucous membranes. It has an affinity for bhrajaka pitta and enhances the quality of skin; used topically to treat psoriasis, ulcers, eczema, seborrhoeic dermatitis and mouth ulcers. One of the best ayurvedic herbs for healing burns, scars, wounds and stretch marks. Very beneficial taken internally for hot, inflammed  pitta conditions; eczema , urticaria, ulcers, acne. Specific for use in jaundice and viral hepatitis.

Digestion The gel of the inner portion of the leaf is a mild laxative as its bitter principle works via the liver to encourage the release of bile. This effect can help to regulate blood sugar diabetics and lipid levels in hypertriglyceridaemia. It is a specific cooling and demulcent herb that directly clears pitta and heals mucous membranes it is a specific for hyperacidity, peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis and any bleeding from the intestines. Its ability to regulates bacteria levels in the intestines indicates use in Candida albicans and as a remedy intestinal function. The dry and powdered extract of the strongly purgative and benefits pitta types. It should only be used in the short term.

Eyes As a netrarogaghna herbs destroys eye diseases. Applied externally it is very soothing for eye inflammation and eyelid swelling.


  • (Juice) Rose, shatavari, manjistha for excessive menstrual bleeding and menopause.
  • (juice) Shatavari, licorice, musta for GIT inflammations.
  • (juice and gel) Turmeric, neem, kutaki, manjistha for inflammatory skin disease (use externally and internally).
  • (Powder) Myrrh, turmeric is used as uterine cleanser.
  • (Powder) Fennel, cardamom to prevent griping.


During pregnancy (powder). Powder in vata constipation.


No drug-herb interaction are known


(Powder/bola) 100-150mg per day (short-tern only), (juice) 10-200ml per day, (gel) externally, as needed,

About the author

Dr. Ram Mani Bhandari

Experienced holistic doctor, healer, teacher, and writer
Specialized in Ayurvedic detox (Panchakarma)
Trained in India and Nepal, the original lands of Ayurveda
Graduate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) from the Institute of Medicine at Tribhuwan University in Kathmandu.
Professional member of Australasian Association of Ayurveda (AAA)
Owner of Sunshine Ayurveda

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