Ayurveda Medicine

Kamini Vridavan Ras (Best cure for premature ejaculation)

Cure of premature ejactulation

Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Reference : Bhaisajya Ratnawali, Ayurveda Sar Sangraha /Ayurvedic classical Medicine.

It is the Ayurvedic Classical Based medicine. As the name suggest, it is the best remedy for disease related to Sukravaha srotas- Suktrakshya, Klaibya rasayana and Vajikarana dravyas included.

Ingredients: Akarkara, Sunthi, Lavanga (Clove), Kesar, Pippali, Javitri, Jatiphala, Chandan each 20mg, Shudha Ahiphena-80mg, Shudha Hingul, Shudha Gandhak each 5mg.

Alternative Tonic & Aphrodisiac. Indicated in impotence, Premature Ejaculation Gives Strength, Vitality & Thickness to the semen.

Indications : Useful in sexual weakness, Premature ejaculation, increase retentive power and thickness the semen, nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea.

Dosage : 1to 2 tab with milk twice a day

Also gentle exercisefor about 15 min daily once morning/ one evening helps makes the medication act better.

It can be co-prescribed with Shilajeet, Siddha Makardwaj, Musli Pak. Mostly Premature ejaculation occur due to emotional and stress induced. Even anti stress medicine can be added with the medication.

Manufacturer : Dabur/ Baidyanath

There are no reported side effect on its usage as it is herbal based medicine but should be consumed after the consultation of registered medical practitioners for maintenance of its dosage.

About the author

Dr. Ram Mani Bhandari

Experienced holistic doctor, healer, teacher, and writer
Specialized in Ayurvedic detox (Panchakarma)
Trained in India and Nepal, the original lands of Ayurveda
Graduate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) from the Institute of Medicine at Tribhuwan University in Kathmandu.
Professional member of Australasian Association of Ayurveda (AAA)
Owner of Sunshine Ayurveda


  • sir, can u please confirm that at the time of intercourse as soon as i put my ling on female part , within no time it is discharged and always i felt humilate i m very fond of all these as in the age of 57, pls advise thanx have a nice time thanx again and waiting a word i n reply

  • I am told by some people that after the age of 60 it is better not to release semen as it is something important for our body. At the same time the person should not have any stress on that. Please advice how far it is true.

  • FOR ANY KIND OF SEXUAL PROBLEMS MALE/FEMALE: i.e. length, width, time, erectile dysfunction, early discharge, nil sperms, childless couples, atractive breast, V.D., stomach problems, gastric, acidity, piles, etc., 100% pure ayurvedic treatment with 100% result, Dr.Renushe (Ayurvedic SEXOLOGIST)M.D(Ayu) Ph.09224595158, Address: Pradnya Ayurvedic Panchakarma Center, Near Congress Bhavan, Akanksha Presidency , Ratnagiri, Maharashtra.Email: drbabasahebrenushe@rocketmail.com

  • premature ejaculation is a serious problem for men…but it is curable by natural methods…many products are available online…have a visit to adulthealthcarepro dot com to find out best products

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