Now , Diabetes and blood sugar level related illness are becoming common due to the lifestyle. If you are diagnosed case of low blood sugar level (hypoglycemia) or high sugar level (hyperglycemia) you had the health related issue in imbalance of glucose level, Particularly due to your food habit and lifestyle.
1.You should be aware to maintain your weight. If you are overweight you do daily diet and exercise for maintaining your weight in general.
2. While taking food you should prefer brown rice instead of white rice and make sure of pasta is whole wheat. Always go for whole grain.
3. Please avoid high sugar fizzy drinks and cakes. Also you low down the sugary snacks.
4. Its not recommended the products from below the ground more. Vegetables like potatos, which is from under ground contain high content of sugar so please avoid such products.
5. Physical fitness helps you to prevent the case of imbalance sugar level. Daily gym , yoga and meditation help you physically fit and prevent deterioration of sugar levels.
6. Think proteins, not sugar. While sweets and candy will give you a temporary spike in blood sugar, they will cause a significant drop soon after.
7. Don’t skip breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast provides a stable platform for the rest of the day. A combination of complex carbohydrates and proteins with fruits and vegetables will wear off gradually instead of causing your blood sugar to suddenly drop.
8. If you have family history of Diabetes in the family then you are most possibly of having hyperglycemia so have the blood sugar level check up time to time.
Good !!!