Health Tips

How Ayurveda explains Cleaning teeth?

Cleaning Teeth

Brushing Teeth

Brushing teeth is the most basic process in oral care. Ayurveda has also described about cleaning teeth under Dincharya (behavior patter for day and night) as an important activity. Traditional peoples the world over use natural tooth brushes made from healing plants.  Ayurveda also described the cleaning of teeth with the help of some hersbs stem or twigs. The following are used for cleansing the teeth :

Sanskrit  Name Latin name
Nimba Ayadirachta indica
Babhool Acasia Arabica
Malati Jasminum grandiflorum
Kakubha Terminalia arjuna
Karaveera Arjuna nerium indicum
Khadir Acacia catechu
Arka Calotropis gigantea,
Calotrophis procera
Asana Terminalia tomentosa /
Karanja Caesalpinia bonducella

  1. Teeth should be cleaned with twigs (datoon) that have bitter, pungment or astringent qualities because they protect the mouth from oral diseases. Twigs with sweet, sour and saline taste essence aggravate kapha and should be avoided. The best teeth cleaners and Neem and Babool twigs.
  2. The twigs (datoon) should be carefully selected. It should be 6 inches long so that it can be held firmly and the tongue can be cleaned. It should be as thick as the little finger. A thicker twig will injure the gums. The front end of the twigs should be soft (not dry and hard) so that it can easily be fashioned into a brush with a little chewing. It should be straight and not twisted.
  3. The movements of the twig (datoon) over each tooth should be from top to bottom and vice versa. This cleans the teeth thoroughly and does not damage the gums. Tooth powder can also be used simultaneously. This morning activity cleans the teeth, tongue and mouth, it keeps bad breath in check and stimulates the taste buds.
  4. Toothpastes and powders which are sweet in taste are not recommended in Ayurveda. Sweets are generally not healthy for the teeth and gums.
  5. Various kinds of tooth brushes and tooth paste are available in the market and are used more than natural available twigs. The tongue should be cleaned after the teeth, as food gets deposited on its surface. If not cleaned regularly, it gives out a foul smell and also obstructs taste perception. The twigs used to brush teeth can be used to clean the tongue. Tongue scrapers made of wood, silver, brass, copper, steel  etc. that are available in the market, can be used. The scrapers should be smooth and flexible. The edges should not be sharp or pointed as they might cause injury to the tongue.
  6. It has been suggested that cleansing of teeth with the twigs (datoon) should be avoided if suffering from indigestion, nausea, asthma, fever, paralysis, excessive thirst, mukhpak and ailments of the heart, eyes, head and ear as there is possibility of aggravation of disease if datoon is used under such conditions.
  1. Ayurveda recommends herbal brushes for cleaning the teeth. These are bitter, pungent, and astringent in taste.  After take a food Cleaning of is must

About the author

Dr. Ram Mani Bhandari

Experienced holistic doctor, healer, teacher, and writer
Specialized in Ayurvedic detox (Panchakarma)
Trained in India and Nepal, the original lands of Ayurveda
Graduate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) from the Institute of Medicine at Tribhuwan University in Kathmandu.
Professional member of Australasian Association of Ayurveda (AAA)
Owner of Sunshine Ayurveda

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