Guggulu is the wonderful Ayurvedic herbs for controlling cholesterol level in body. Guggulu is the resin collected from its part used to scrape out toxic accumuled vata. It is called Yogavahi which removes deep rooted toxins from the bodily tissues. Guggulu helps detoxify unhealthy tissues and is effective for a wide variety of conditions
Common name Indian bedellium (English), Indian myrrh (English), Guggul (Hindi) Sanskrit Guggulu, Devadhupa
Latin Commiphora mukulResin (Burseraceae family)
- Rasa (taste) Bitter, pungent, astringent, sweet
- Vırya (energy) Heating
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect) Pungent
- Guna (quality) Light, penetrating, dry
- Dosa effect VPK−, can aggravate P in excess
- Dhatu (tissue) All tissues
- Srotas (channel) Circulatory, digestive, nervous, respiratory
- Guggul contains resin, volatile oils, and gum. The extract isolates ketonic steroid compounds known as guggulsterones.
antiatherogenic, antihypercholesterolemic, anti-inflammatory (powerful), antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antisuppurative, aperient, aphrodisiac, astringent, bitter, carminative, demulcent, diaphoretic, disinfectant, diuretic, emmenagogue, enhances phagocytosis, immunostimulant (increases leukocytes), stimulating expectorant, stomachic, thyroid stimulant, uterine stimulant.
Cholesterol Guggulu shows anti cholesterol action to reduce cholesterol level and prevent its accumulation. It shows lekhana karma which scraps out deposited from joints and tissues. It is also anti obesity herb for breaking unused fat accumulated also has ability for enhance thyroid function.
Arthritis Guggulu shows anti inflammatory action and used in arthritis problems. It is excellent for balancing kapha/vata condition to reduce pain and swelling in arthritis and joint disorders.
Heart Guggulu is cardio tonic in action. It is good for Ischaemic heart disease, angina, congestive heart failure as it helps to increase blood flow for preventing blood clots, artherosclerosis. It prevent heart attack and strengthen the myocardial muscles.
Gynaecology Guggulu is good for uterus and female health. It helps to clear endometriosis, PCOS etc. It helps to removes Ama (Toxins) from the body and regulates the regular menstrual cycle.
Skin Guggulu is excellent anti inflammatory herbs for skin. It is beneficial for inflammation of mucous membrane of body like mouth ulcerss, lungs etc. It regenerates tissue granulation and removes dead cells.
Infections Guggulu helps to promote bodily immune system by increasing White blood cells count to clear infection. It is beneficial for sore throat, infection and inflammation.
Bones Guggulu is best anti inflammtory herbs for rakta and meda dhatu for healing deep seated fractures and nourishing bones.
Cancer Guggulu is anti cancerous and also prevents uncontrolled growth tumours, cancers etc.
* Frankincense, turmeric, fenugreek for cholesterol and arthritis.
* Guduchi, neem, turmeric, triphala in acne
* Arjuna, punarnava, pushkaramool for heart conditions.
* Safflower, mustaka, shatavari for menstrual difficulties.
* Guduchi, gokshura and ginger in gout and back pain.
* Haritaki, trikatu, triphala, turmeric for mending bones.
25 mg three times per day.
Guggul is a tree which exudes a resinous sap out of incisions that are made in its bark