Yoga has been touted as a beneficial exercise that allows our bodies to be more flexible and have more longevity.
One yoga pose that is quite known is the “downward-facing dog.” In sanskrit, it is “Adhomukha Svanasana“
We all have posed in this way if we have gone to a yoga class even once. But do you know what that one pose offers our health?
- The downward-facing dog reduces stiffness in our shoulders and in our shoulder joints.
- It relieves pain in our feet and the heels of the feet as well.
- For menopausal women, it helps relieve hot flashes too!!
- This pose is also very good for women who have heavy menstrual flow too.
- Slows the heart beat
- When this pose is held for one-minute, it helps to replenish our energy as well as our nervous system.
There are a few precautions to take with this pose however…..