Ayurveda Medicine

Dasamula Kwatha : The decoction of Ten Roots


The main ingredients are

Equal parts of the roots of :

  1. Kantakari                                                             Solanum xamthocarpum
  2. Bruhati                                                                 Solanum indicum
  3. Shaliparni                                                            Desmodium gangeticum
  4. Prushniparni                                                      Uraria picta
  5. Gokshura                                                            Tribulus terrestris
  6. Bilwa                                                                     Aegle mermelos
  7. Shyonaka                                                            Oroxylum indicum
  8. Patala                                                                    Stereospermum suaveolens
  9. Kashmari                                                             Gmelina arborea
  10. Agnimantha                                                       Clerodendron phlomoidis

Method of preparation

1 part of the formula is decocted in 16 parts water until parts remain. This is then strained and stored (Bhaisajya Ratnavali)


Rasa (taste) : Astringent, Sweet

Virya (energy) : Warming

Vipaka (post-digestive effect) : Pungent

Guna (quality) : Heavy, Dry

Dosa effect : VK-

Dhatu ( tissue):

Srotas (channel) : Respiratory, nerve, digestive

Ayurvedic Action

Vatasamana pacifies vata and nervous system

Anulomana Directs the flow of vata downwards

Kasasvasahara Alleviates cough and asthma

Jwarahara Alleviates fevers

Sulaghna Alleviates pain

Biomedical Action

Expectorant, antiasthmatic, nervine, febrifuge, analgesic


Nerves Dasamula is indicated for aggravations of the nervous system and pain when they are signs of debility. It is used as a decoction or enema for lower back pain, sciatica, tremors, parkinson’s disease and inflammation in the pelvic and sacral region.

Lungs for dry cough and respiratory weakness when there is high vata dashmula can be used as a tonic to strengthen the system.

Fevers when the immune system is depleted and is not throwing off  fevers the decoction can cause diaphoresis and release the trapped ama toxins.


  • Bala or Ashwagandha oil as a massage for lower back pain
  • Punarnavadi guggulu when back pain is complicated by water stagnation.
  • Trikatu and vasa for respiratory problems.
  • Tulsi for fevers.


Not in pregnancy


50ml of the decoction twice per day with long pepper powder


  • Dasamula is the formula for vata condition with pain
  • The collection of nourishing roots acts as an antispasmodic and muscle tonic to alleviate the weakness of the tissues caused by overstimulation and weakness.
  • It is a collection of roots from five big trees known as brhat panchamula, reducing vata and kapha, and five roots from smaller shrubs , reducing vata and pitta, known as laghu panchamula.
  • There is considerable adulteration of this formula today as many of ingredients are difficult to obtain and unsustainably harvested. The panchanga (root, stem, leaf, flower and fruit) parts of the laghu panchamula plants are often used.

About the author

Dr. Ram Mani Bhandari

Experienced holistic doctor, healer, teacher, and writer
Specialized in Ayurvedic detox (Panchakarma)
Trained in India and Nepal, the original lands of Ayurveda
Graduate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) from the Institute of Medicine at Tribhuwan University in Kathmandu.
Professional member of Australasian Association of Ayurveda (AAA)
Owner of Sunshine Ayurveda

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