Background of Ayurveda
- Nepal has a glorious history on Ayurveda.
- Nepal is only Hindu country in the world. The Vedic civilization evolves in the Himalayas range around 5000 years ago.
- Ayurveda’s long tradition and deep attachment to the Nepalese culture.
- In Nepal, Ayurveda is being used as a socio-cultural and hereditary therapy.
- The original date of Ayurveda is unknown but it has been tradition from the beginning.
- Festivals and ethnic rituals celebrated in Nepal have the background of Ayurveda.
- The process, theories and philosophies that were described on Ayurveda text are the basis of all the activities that are used to prevent the diseases by Nepalese people.
- Ayurveda is the “National Medicinal System” of Nepal.
- Directly or indirectly, more than 80% of Nepalese people are using Ayurveda.
History of Ayurveda in Nepal
Medicinal Plants:
- Nepal has great geographical distribution from 800M to 8848M Highest peak of the world. So all kind of herbs are easy to grow in this climate.
- Medicinal plants, Ayurveda and the Himalayas are intertwined in a very special manner and Nepal, right in the centre of the Himalayan region, has special significance.
- Around 1700 species of medicinal plant are documented in Nepal.
- There are about 1,400 kinds of medicinal plants utilized by Ayurveda and traditional healers in Nepal.
- Yarsagumba is also known as the “Himalayan Viagra” or “Himalayan Gold” for its high medicinal and commercial value. Yarsagumba or Yarchagumbu is an exceptional and incredible herb that grows in the pastures above 3,300 meters upto 4000 meters in the Himalayan regions of Nepal. Yarsagumba literally means summer plant and winter insect (dong cong xia cao) in Tibetan. Yarsa gumba is a exceptional combination of a yellow caterpillar and a mushroom (fungus).
- Researches has revealed that the body of Yarsagumba contains:- Cordycepin acid, Cordycepin, D-mannitol, Polysaccharide, SOD, Fatty Acid, Nucleocide Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, Serien, Zinc, Copper, Carbohydrates etc. Cardycepin and Cordycepic acid have been found to be the main constituents.
- Shilajit is found in Nepal and also in few other countries but the source of the highest quality Shilajit (Mumiyo) is considered to be of Nepal Himalayas where the people are involved in collection, purification and use of Shilajit from time immemorial. Shilajit has been used to treat a variety of diseases in Ayurveda. In Charaka(200 BC) and Susruta Samhita (200 AD). It has been described as a panacea as well as RASAYANA (rejuvenative) which can cure all ailments and prolongs the life.
Ayurvedic Education in Nepal
- The teaching system of Ayurveda begins early “Guru Shisya” methods and family tradition.
- The early ayurveda tradition was Vaidya Tradition.
- Ayurvedic Education is known as the 1st technical education conducted in Nepal .
- The historic Ayurveda education started in 1985 BS called “Rajakiya Ayurveda Vidyalaya” and degrees “Vaidyabhusana, Vaidya Vinod and Vaidya ratna”
- From 1987 AD, BAMS course was started in Tribhuwan University, Nepal.
- AAW(18 months), AHA(3 years) and BAMS(5 1/2yrs), MD (Kaya) degrees are running
- One government Ayurveda College, 3 Private recently is running BAMS course in Nepal.
- University running Ayurveda Courses:
- Tribhuwan University b. Nepal Sanskrit University c. CTEVT
Ayurveda Hospital in Nepal
- The first formal organization of Ayurveda was started in Rana regime in Bishnumati 1973, Nepal Ayurveda Aushadhalaya which is now turn into Nardevi Ayurveda Hospita, Central Ayurveda Hospital.
- There is one central Ayurveda Hospital in Naradevi, Kathmandu. Nardevi hospital has total 150 Beds with daily OPD, indoor facility, Panchakarma, Acupuncture, Laboratory etc.
- 1 Ayurveda regional Hospital in dang, 75 district hospital, 1 in each district, 14 Zonal ausadhalaya and remaining regional hospital and one Ayurveda ausadhalaya in between 5 V.D.C are running.
– 2050BS:- Regional Ayurveda chikitsalaya Dang was established. Currenly there are 30 beds. - Ojus Ayurveda Hospital & Research Centre is one of the best examples of private Ayurveda hospital.
Ayurveda Health Policy-2052 B.S The Ayurveda Health Policy 2052 signed by Nepal Government emphasized in the establishment of National Institute of Ayurveda science under Tribhuvan University (T.U) for the management of higher study in Ayurveda in Nepal.
Under Government of Nepal, Minister of Health, Department of Ayurveda is there to look over the Ayurveda and alternative medicinal system in Nepal. Health centre in all districts of Nepal and Ayurveda Health post in V.D.C level are there for providing free Ayurveda Service to public.
- At present, there are:
-Central Ayurveda Hospital, Naradevi with 100 beds—1
-Ayurveda Hospital Dang with 30 beds——————— 1
-Zonal Ayurveda Hospitals————————————- 14
-District Ayurveda Health Centers————————— 61
-Ayurveda Dispensaries—————————————- 216
Total: 293
Now number of Government Ayurveda Health Institutions in Nepal is 291.
Ayurvedic Manpower:
There are more than 6 Ayurveda Campuses/ colleges running bachelor and certificates level in Nepal. Besides this lots of students also take graduation, master and Ph.D on Ayurveda from India. So the number of Ayurvedic Manpower is increasing gradually.
Ayurveda Doctors | 402 |
Ayurveda Health Assistant | 612 |
AAHW | 1123 |
Traditional healers | Under progress |
Nepal is rich in medicinal plant. Due to the geographical diversities, different species of medicinal plants which have the different therapeutic actions are found in different part of country. Recent unapproved data showed that there are about 1700 medicinal plant in Nepal.
People are also cultivating different medicinal plants to make Ayurvedic medicine. Many pharmaceuticals are working in Nepal. Their products are getting good market in Nepal and foreign countries. Gorkha Ayurveda Pvt.Ltd. , Bhasker Pharmaceuticals, Fleur Himalaya etc. are the examples of pharmaceuticals that are working both in and outside the country. Besides this, different Indian pharmaceuticals are also working in Nepal. Dabur, Vaidyanath, BAN, Himalaya, Charak, Dhootpapeswor etc are the examples of Indian pharmaceuticals working in Nepal.
Dibya Patanjali Pharmacy
No of Nepali Pharmaceuticals – 30
No of Foreign Ayurveda Industries ragistered in Nepal – 28
Scope of Ayurveda in Nepal
Ayurveda is the indigenous and traditional healthcare system in Nepal. It has been practicing as the major healthcare system in Nepal since time immemorial .
In Nepal, Ayurvedic health services are being provided free by the government through pharmacies since 1973 BS and the department of Ayurveda, leading organization ayurveda, was established under the ministry of Health in 2038 BS.
There is not any discrimination on Ayurveda Manpower in regard to all facilities and grade than the manpower of other therapies.
Government Institution
- Department of Ayurveda : 2010 BS:- The Department was established under Ministry of Health. It is the governmental department to look after Ayurveda plan, policy and activities.
- Singha Darbar Vaidhya Khana 1641-1674:- King pratap malla established vaiddhya khana in hanumana dhoka durbar. Singhadurbar Vaidyakhana Vikas Samiti is government Ayurveda medicine Manufacturing unit which was started during Rana regime for royal palace.
Later it served for the general public too which is now manufacturing most of Ayurveda Classical medicine.
The oldest Manuscripts of medicinal plants written during Chandra Sumsher Regime “Chandra Nighantu” is preserved there and recently first volume out of 10 volumes is published.
Ayurveda council -2045 BS:- HMG passed “Ayurveda medical council act 2045. -2058BS:- “Nepal Ayurveda medical council”(NAMC) was established.
NAMC is the official body to register qualified Ayurveda doctors. The total no. of registered Ayurveda health professionals till date as below:
Ayurveda Doctors | 402 |
Ayurveda Health Assistant | 612 |
AAHW | 1123 |
Traditional healers | Under progress |
- Ayurveda Doctor’s Association of Nepal(ADAN)
It was established on 2054 BS. - Nepal Ayurveda Medical Student’s Society(NAMSS)
It was established by the students of Ayurveda Campus on 2054 BS. - National Ayurveda Research & Training Center (NARTC)
Ayurveda is a virgin field of research. One who wants to research has unlimited opportunities in Ayurveda. Similarly for the research, modernization and development of Ayurveda, recently between the government of China and Nepal had established National Ayurveda research and training center in Kathmandu and Nepal side is doing homework to establish Herbal garden, hospital and Research Works.
Tourism Activity
Nepal is a small country, but rich in cultural diversity: Nepal has over 60 different ethnic groups and 70 different languages. We have a more program to advertise for foreign guest like Mountaineering, Trekking, Jungle safari, Rafting, Mountain bike etc. Nepal itself is rich in nature, medicinal plants etc. It is the good country for Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation.