This is an amazing way to heal many disorders. It is specifically used during convalescence, digestive problems, fevers, excess mucus and toxaemia to clear ama and enkindle the digestive fire:
- Start with Peya (Liquid) diet: Combine in a ratio of 1 part rice:16 parts of water. Cook for 1 hour eat for 1-2 days
- Follow this with Leha(Lickable) diet : Semi solid diet. Rice:Water at 1:8 ratio for 1-2 days
- Then Bhoya(Chewable) diet: soft diet. Rice and water at 1:4 for 1-2 days. This is the same recipe as ‘Khicadi’
- Finally , bhakshya(firm) diet: this is the normal ratio for cooking rice: rice and water at 1:2 for 1 day and then eat a wider ranging diet as normal
Add a small amount of cumin and turmeric powder along with some fresh ginger and ghee (1/2 tsp) and a pinch of salt if appropriate.
The strength of the digestive fire dictates the quantity that should be eaten.